
My name is Fei Qin, a postdoctoral research scholar under the supervision of Dr. Timothy Richards at the Morrison School of Agribusiness at Arizona State University. I obtained my Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University in 2023. I received the scholarship from China Scholarship Council, which allowed me to study in University of California, Berkeley as a short-term visiting student from November 2016 to May 2017.

My primary research interests lie in the intersection of agricultural/food economics, industrial organizations, and development economics. Under this broad scope, I am particularly interested in two areas: 1) organizations (e.g., manufacturers and retailers) in the food sector and their strategic actions, and 2) the impacts of policy/regulation shocks on the firm’s competing strategies, and the effects on consumer welfare. I have particularly solid experience in policy evaluation and analyzing large datasets such as the retailer and household scanner data.

Feel free to contact me at fqin6@asu.edu.